Thursday, November 19, 2009
Blog Post 9
All of the characters have different life styles and they are all familiar with what they know and do too. Just that sometimes they might be triggered to do unpredictable things that just gets the other characters scared. All the characters know what they want and also what they need to be doing so they can be doing and getting what they want. What is considered appropriate and inappropriate behavior that would be considered in that form would be following the rules of the city and also feed(chip). It's mostly if you also obey to whatever the chip tells you or also makes you get an anxious that you would do almost anything to get it. The rules of Feed are to follow and achieve on your goal to get what it desires.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Guiding Questions for Feed
Well mostly in the book 'Feed', the characters are teenagers that always want to have fun. They don't really want to study and just want to do whatever they want. And then they just want to go out and do almost about anything without them knowing the consequences. All the characters are all different and also depend on their feed. They also care about certain things that affect their feelings too. Us as teenagers just want to have fun with little education. That's bad but some of us also got things that we have to do in order to keep living the lives we have. We're not that advanced in technology as we want to be, but someday we will. So practically they have the advantage on certain things. It doesn't mean that we can't do the same thing as them. We will just do it in a different way and it'll still end up being the same, just different methods.
Monday, October 12, 2009
After WW11

What this poster is showing and telling us is that we always be saying to people that they should sacrifice their lives for our country. What we don't know is that when we're saying that and telling others to join and sacrifice themselves is that we're telling them to die for our country and give their life in war. That's not right when they say that because nobody knows how hard it is to be in the army and be in the front lines risking your life. It also says that," He knew the meaning of sacrifice!" That is saying that knowing when people tell you that and you still join the army risking your life. Your joining the army knowing on what the consequences are if you do get sent out in the front and know that your life will be at risk in this.
We get a different message from this poster to everyone else. It's because during that time while the war was going on, they were in need of troops. So maybe they were thinking that it might be good to give their lives and they will be remembered through time. Not everyone is remembered just for joining the army but their families will know that they went to war to bring peace with other countries across the nations.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Pretty ChiLL day but except my grade!!!
Well at first I went to work yesterday night right. I was texting ppls while working but then again was tired and lazy to work... LoL! but I came out of work at 5a.m and I was really hungry so I ate at this one place that I didn't even know but I was hungry so yea! I got home and slept for two hours. Well the thing was that when I was headed to the bus. The bus passed just a lil' bit earlier than before. When I got there, I tried running to it but didn't catch up to it. So I saw the time and I said that I have enough time to go home, get my skates, and race to the school before getting to class late. I left the house at 8:13a.m! i live in Lake st. and Portland. Well yea! it's on the other side of the greenway. i had 15 minutes to get to the school. so I put my headphones and started listening to some "SMF" to get myself pumped up. It was sorta cold and my legs were a lil' tired but still made it though. Well I got to the school at 8:24 and still made it to class on time. i was just a lil' sweaty when I got here and tired too. I came as fast as I could because I don't like being late to class. But then the day was all good til' I saw that Mr. Olsen gave me an F+ in his class. I turned everything in so that's just weird as hell. but i'll figure out why he gave me an F+!
Monday, September 28, 2009
This film provides us with it saying that going Vegetarian is good. They also say that it's more healthy being Vegan because you'll get your vegetables more often. They only said that but didn't say that you also have to eat the proper nutrients and that you can get sick because you still need to be eating your everyday supplements. it's being targeted to mostly everyone in general. They also put a little girl in the video clip. In order to catch everyones attention, they put known people saying that you have to try it but from all types of genres too. They went from movie actors to artist to even children. i didn't quite get a feel for this video. I never tried being vegan but it just didn't quite catch my attention. I may have some family members vegan but I don't see them different because everyone can follow whatever they want for themselves right?! i think that maybe some of the people that showed up are not vegan eaters. I say that they did that just so they can get other viewers attention easier than when they just use ordinary people. They have to use some peoples that are known in order for the viewers can maybe believe what they are saying. Not everyone has the same feel for vegan eaters so with these video clips that they put, they try to get ahold of as many viewers as they can to change. for me, I don't quite think that I might actually go vegan. I can't see myself like that. But I do watch what I eat and also get most of my daily food sources. Sooo, it's ALL good!!! <(^^,)>
Friday, September 25, 2009
Family Strong
The facts that this video provides is that families that have relatives in the army, they need to be strong. They have to hang in there not only for themselves but for there family too. What they don't show is that if you do go to the army, you might not come back the same way as when you were leaving. I mean that you can get injured, lose a body part, and even maybe killed. It might be all fun at first but after time starts to pass by, not everyone that joins likes it because they start putting there lives at risk. I think that the video is being targeted at the ones that have relatives already and also for those who thought about it. It's trying to say that if someone from your family goes to the army or recruited, not only them will become strong but there families also. It will make you stronger in a way that you will need to be able to confront all the fears with those in the army and also be strong for the little ones in your family. The video says that it will not make the family strong. That it will make them army strong. When I saw the film, it's sorta true but at the same time it doesn't only make you strong, but it can also make you weaker sometimes. It shocked me a little bit because I have an uncle and also a good friend of mine that was raised with me since 5 years of age. My uncle and friend are in the front of the lines and it's great to here from them telling me that they're ok but at the same time scared. Scared because they have a bigger possibility on them getting killed. I know that they'll be ok though. Some words that they used in the video such as: "there's family strong. And then there's Army Family strong" it's not that true because some families can't recover from this because maybe there loved ones got hurt or got killed while they were in the army.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Media use for Saturday
Well Saturday was the same in the morning because I still woke up early to listen to my Ipod. I listened to my Ipod for I think four hours(10a.m). I got up and talked on the phone for an hour at 11a.m. When I finished talking on the phone, I watched T.V for an hour and then I started texting because i got bored of the Television... Umm, i got bored of being home so I went to Radioshack to see what I was missing so i can start working and they needed another copy of my Pass Port because the first copy was a little bit blurry. I was on my Ipod most of the time too... I skated for four hours again and I went to sleep at 3a.m again and did the same things as Friday night.
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