Monday, September 28, 2009


This film provides us with it saying that going Vegetarian is good. They also say that it's more healthy being Vegan because you'll get your vegetables more often. They only said that but didn't say that you also have to eat the proper nutrients and that you can get sick because you still need to be eating your everyday supplements. it's being targeted to mostly everyone in general. They also put a little girl in the video clip. In order to catch everyones attention, they put known people saying that you have to try it but from all types of genres too. They went from movie actors to artist to even children. i didn't quite get a feel for this video. I never tried being vegan but it just didn't quite catch my attention. I may have some family members vegan but I don't see them different because everyone can follow whatever they want for themselves right?! i think that maybe some of the people that showed up are not vegan eaters. I say that they did that just so they can get other viewers attention easier than when they just use ordinary people. They have to use some peoples that are known in order for the viewers can maybe believe what they are saying. Not everyone has the same feel for vegan eaters so with these video clips that they put, they try to get ahold of as many viewers as they can to change. for me, I don't quite think that I might actually go vegan. I can't see myself like that. But I do watch what I eat and also get most of my daily food sources. Sooo, it's ALL good!!! <(^^,)> 

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